Grant Agreement Terms And Conditions

Post-docctorial scholarships are considered by BrightFocus to be personal and not delegated. Therefore, if the principal investigator receives a postdoctoral fellowship and can no longer order the performance of the specific objectives of the supported project because the principal investigator has left the grantee institution to make further efforts, the grant will not be transferred to another grantee Institution auditor and the grant will be closed in accordance with Section [2] of the funding stoppage. Supported project: work approved by BrightFocus and carried out by Grantee to support the specific objectives of the research, which were formally proposed by the lead investigator as part of BrightFocus` application process. The BrightFocus grant may be paid for all or part of the principal investigator`s salary, provided that the salary application is justified in the grant application and is consistent with the rules set out in the implementing guidelines. The acceptance of these terms of use is confirmation that the senior controller has the rank or professional status required by the enforcement guidelines. The new terms and conditions apply to all agreements that are in effect on September 1, 2019. Grantee Institution: The college, university, organization or institution to which the fellow is formally linked. BrightFocus has an interest in keeping its investigators successful. If brightFocus was unable to obtain additional funding for its laboratory at the end of the grant agreement, BrightFocus may, at its sole discretion and in rare cases, provide only limited additional assistance to the lead investigator. Any senior investigator looking for such an advisor should contact BrightFocus` Department of Scientific Affairs for full guidance and to apply before the grant agreement expires. The arbitration institution will not exempt any of the parties from its obligations to make the payments required by the terms of this grant agreement while the arbitration process continues. Although BrightFocus has promised grants for the duration of the grant, BrightFocus reserves the right to terminate the grant and grant contract at any time prior to the expiry of the period if any of the terms and obligations set out in this contract are breached.