Apple Microsoft Patent Cross Licensing Agreement

Apple`s global cross-licensing agreement with Microsoft has been known to everyone for more than a decade, but we were able to extract some previously unknown details from today`s statement agreement in Apple`s lawsuit against Samsung. Boris Teksler, Apple`s director of licensing and patent licensing strategy, testified that while the licensing agreement between the companies largely covers technical and design patents, it still offers some protection against literal copying of products in the form of an “anti-cloning” provision. Teksler expressly stated this: Smith and Microsoft`s Gutierrez said they hope this type of deal would be how big tech companies resolve patent claims instead of continuing to fight in court. Samsung says the price of Apple`s license — $30 to $40 per device — is blackmail. The Teksler untouchables found that although Apple initially approached Samsung, accusing it of copying its products and violating many of its patents, Apple would not license any of its main patents to another company. Last week, Teksler said these “untouchables” included a series of patents that Apple would not share with others — something he said made its “unique user experience.” But while the press release doesn`t give an amount, we think at least a little bit of money will change hands.